Friday, 16 May 2014

Engagement Rings Styles Can Reflect Personality and Style

The kind of engagement ring you wear around your finger to show the world you will eventually become married is definitely representative of your taste and style. With the changing of the world, women are evolving into independent and confident creatures who know exactly what they want. This has also led to an increase in women giving their input on what her ring should look like.

Engagement Rings Elgin IL, Diamond Rings Palatine IL

In past times, a man would choose from a variety of engagement rings and completely surprise his girlfriend. This is a great idea, but could also pose a little trouble for many reasons. Hopefully, the man has good taste, but it could be very different from what the woman will want to look at for the rest of her life.

A woman who desires a classic or traditional diamond engagement ring will probably be a lady who is elegant and simple. Since these rings are often very basic with clean lines, she will more than likely prefer structure to chaos and organization to messiness. These kind of rings are timeless classics and what the majority of women prefer today. Sometimes less is more and she will know that when she sees the beautiful ring as you ask her to marry you.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Get Ready to Buy Diamond Engagement Rings

These stones are simply crystallized carbon atoms that are bonded together in a very durable and strong lattice structure. This is why they are so hard. They are actually the hardest natural structure on the earth. They come from over one hundred miles within the earth's mantle and under our feet. Extreme heat and pressure from these gorgeous stones, but it takes millions of years for them to completely form.
Engagement Rings Addison IL, Anniversary Rings Hoffman Estates
In order to understand why these stones are so valuable you must first understand the ways in which jeweler's grade them. Beginning with the four C's of diamonds is a good idea. This will cover the basic ways gemologist’s judge diamonds and how they decide which ones are valuable and suitable to use in the jewelry industry. Well before you even enter a jewelry store to look at diamond engagement rings, you will want to do a little homework on what these little stones are, where they came from and why they are so incredibly valuable.