There are many ways to make a few extra bucks just in time for your summer vacation, but what is the best method? That all depends on what you have laying around your house. If you have a stock pile of electronics then a yard sale or eBay may be a great idea. If you have a stock pile of gold jewelry, though, your best bet will be to head down to your local cash for gold store and get rid of that jewelry!

Cash for gold stores also accept other kinds of metals and fine jewelry too. You may be surprised at what you find just by doing a little research before you walk into the store. Some stores are different so make sure you do adequate research of all of the places you plan on going. If you want to sell your gold, there are plenty of places that will buy it with little to no questions asked at all. Knowing what to expect before you walk into the store is always a great idea, though. With the internet so readily available, that should not be a problem at all. Enjoy your new cash for gold and your vacation!