Monday, 14 April 2014

Loose Diamonds: Interesting Facts About These Gorgeous Stones

Loose diamonds are commonly used to create some of the most beautiful jewelry you have ever seen. Although this is the mainstream way of utilizing diamonds for our benefit, there are many other ways to use these naturally tough stones. Loose diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance in the world. When you take the time to learn about how they come to be, you will understand why they are so expensive and just how unique they are.
Certified Loose Diamonds Naperville, Certified Diamonds Palatine IL

Almost one hundred miles beneath our feet, carbon atoms begin their transformation into these gorgeous stones. When carbon is exposed to extreme heat and pressure, they crystallize and turn into these beautiful gemstones the entire world covets. Volcanic eruptions bring them closer to the surface of the earth so diamond miners can more easily drill for them.

Since diamonds are so incredibly tough, they can be used in a variety of other ways. Sometimes they are incorporated into drills or grinders for strength. When diamonds are used as abrasives, it makes it easier to polish, cut or grind whatever you desire. Loose diamonds are often used in dentistry to grind teeth because they will not break or lose their integrity.

Diamonds can also be found in speaker domes. Since they are so durable, they will vibrate rapidly but not lose their integrity. This makes them perfect for resonating sound.


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