If you are considering utilizing the cash for gold services at your local jewelry store or any other company, make sure you take a little time to do some research on the entire process. There are many legitimate businesses that will allow you to sell your gold, but just like any other subject, there are stores who are not so honest. Go with your gut when making this decision. If something seems fishy, it probably is!
There are many stores online who want you to mail in your gold jewelry and they will send you a check. This seems a little shady to me. What if the package is lost? These stores claim to provide you with insurance up to “X” amount of dollars on their packages, but what if the value of your gold is worth more than the insurance? You will simply be up the creek without a paddle. What if they received your package, but knew the gold was worth more so they just claimed to have lost it? It is always best to use a company who has a business front who can be contacted in case you have any questions pertaining to your sale or purchase.
There are many stores online who want you to mail in your gold jewelry and they will send you a check. This seems a little shady to me. What if the package is lost? These stores claim to provide you with insurance up to “X” amount of dollars on their packages, but what if the value of your gold is worth more than the insurance? You will simply be up the creek without a paddle. What if they received your package, but knew the gold was worth more so they just claimed to have lost it? It is always best to use a company who has a business front who can be contacted in case you have any questions pertaining to your sale or purchase.
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