Monday, 24 November 2014

Vintage Engagement Rings: There is No Right or Wrong Style

Vintage engagement rings are also very popular right now. There is something about antiques that is making its way back into mainstream society. Women and men alike are trending towards older looks, older styles of furniture and past traditions. Vintage rings usually have very ornate engravings on them. The bands are not plain and simple. Instead they have elaborate engravings and designs that keep your eyes busy bouncing from one area to another. Some women prefer the clean non-cluttered appearance of solitaire rings, but there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to diamond engagement rings!

Some women prefer three stone rings. These rings are very gorgeous and could be called show stoppers. There are three large stones that serve as the centerpiece for the ring and the center of the three is typically larger than the others. The bands are usually pretty simple and plain because there is just so much bling to be seen! If you want to make a statement with your ring, then maybe a three stone ring is just what the doctor ordered.

No matter which engagement ring style you choose, it should be something you love because this particular piece of jewelry is a symbol of your love for one another and the commitment you made to getting married. These are probably the most romantic pieces of jewelry (other than wedding bands) because there is so much meaning behind them.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Get Cash for Gold or Make New Jewelry from Existing Gold

Receiving cash for gold is just one of those things people are doing these days. You see the advertisements for the stores offering to buy your old, unwanted or broken gold jewelry and you may have even heard that a friend of yours did this with great results. This is a new trend that is sweeping the nation and is also a great way to recycle old gold into new creations for you to love all over again!

Many people have jewelry they have accumulated over the years simply taking up space in their jewelry boxes. They never wear it, but just cannot seem to get rid of it. If you fall within this category then a cash for gold store could certainly be beneficial to you. You do not have to necessarily sell your gold. Some stores offer you the option of recycling your old gold into a new creation. If you have a dated piece of gold jewelry that is not your style, you may want to look into melting it down and creating a new piece of jewelry that would be a more useful piece in your collection. However, you can always take the money and run, too!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Engagement Rings and Changing Your Last Name

As soon as he puts that gorgeous engagement ring on your finger, you will be flooded with a multitude of thoughts and emotions. Of course, you will be happy that you are going to marry the man of your dreams, but if you are anything like me, you will also be thinking about everything from a legal standpoint too. Most brides do not hesitate in taking their husband's last name. Some other women may choose to hyphenate their last name with their husband's last name. Still, some women may choose not to take his name at all. Whatever you decide is fine, but know there is a ton of paperwork to fill out to make everything official. This is not a sprint. This is a marathon that involves lots of organization and prep.

Wedding Rings Chicago IL, Diamond Rings Elgin IL

You won't think twice about taking your engagement ring and wedding band with you everywhere after you are married, but you may not think you need to carry around your marriage license. Wrong! Everyone and their brother will want to see this document before they change your name on all of your accounts. Some accounts will be as easy as walking into the establishment and telling them you got married. Other accounts will be a tad bit more difficult- like your passport. 

Monday, 25 August 2014

How to Propose Marriage With Engagement Rings

Men everywhere are often a little nervous about popping the big question and committing their entire lives to one person. Although this is a nerve racking time in his life, she is probably looking forward to having an engagement ring on her finger and calling you her fiancé. Here are a few pointers before you ask her to be yours forever with that stunning diamond engagement ring:

First of all, make sure she is the one. You should propose because you genuinely want to - not because she has been dropping hints for as long as you can remember. Do not listen to your friends when they tell you it is time for you to settle down. Make sure you listen to your heart and come to that realization on your own. Also, be fairly certain she will say yes! Heaven forbid you go through the trouble of shopping for engagement rings only to find she is nowhere close to the page you are on.

Diamond Rings Hoffman Estates, Diamond Engagement Rings Chicago

It may sound old fashioned, but ask her father or her parents! Yes, men still do this. It is not so much about getting his permission as it is about respecting her family, parents and asking for their blessing. Starting off your engagement on the wrong foot could be detrimental to your relationship.

Think about when you are going to propose. The actual proposal involves a lot of planning, so you need to step up your game for this event, guys! There is much more to it than just buying an engagement ring and sticking it on her finger. Get with your close friends or family members to help plan if you need to. Just make sure they can keep a secret!

Practice saying the words, "Will you marry me?" I know this may sound silly, but when it comes to the exact moment when you have to say those words, some men become tongue tied. Make sure you know exactly what you are going to say well before you actually say it. You may feel like a dork practicing in the mirror, but it will certainly pay off when you drop to one knee (you must drop to one knee!) and present her with the engagement ring that symbolizes your promise to marry her.

Before you know it you will be neck deep in wedding planning, so make sure you take the time to enjoy being engaged and showing off the ring to everyone who congratulates you!

Monday, 11 August 2014

Engagement Rings: Do Women Ever See Them Coming?

Are you waiting for your boyfriend to pop the big question? This could certainly be one of the most stressful times in your life! Not only do you have to worry about him picking out the right engagement ring, you will also be consumed with how he is going to propose. You may have nightmares and dreams about what is going to happen, but more than likely, you will never see it coming and you would never have dreamt the manner in which he proposed. When it comes to getting down on one knee, guys just have that uncanny knack of being able to surprise their women without really even trying.

Engagement Rings Arlington Heights, Diamond Rings Elgin IL

Since men and women think so incredibly differently, it would be hard to try and guess how your man will get down in one knee and give you an engagement ring. However, if you know it is coming, it would be fun to sit around with your girlfriends and try to figure it out. You could maybe even place bets!

The bottom line is, if you see a proposal coming, please God, try not to ruin it! Try not to be in a bad mood, and if he has some crazy plan for taking you somewhere, then just go along with it so you can receive your diamond engagement ring!
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Monday, 7 July 2014

Some Women Are Picky About Their Engagement Rings

When it comes to browsing engagement rings in hopes of finding the perfect one your lovely girlfriend will say yes to as you drop down on one knee and ask her to be your wife, it always pays off to be patient, and also to have a good idea as to what she already prefers in the wonderful jewelry world. Most women have an idea of what they like then they tell their fiancé to make the final decision. Some women like to have control over the situation (and what piece of jewelry is going to be on her finger forever) and like to be a complete part of the engagement ring buying process.

Engagement Rings  Palatine IL, Wedding Rings Elgin IL

Still, there are women who fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. It does not really matter what your diamond engagement ring looks like. What truly matters is that you found the love of your life and your soul mate who you do not want to live without. Simply focus on spending the rest of your lives together and not the outward appearance of the ring he gave you. You can always choose the wedding ring and keep the other ring in a drawer until you figure out what to do next with it.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

A Guide to Purchasing Certified Loose Diamonds

When it comes to browsing a selection of shiny and glorious certified loose diamonds, it is always a wise idea to make sure you are getting what you pay for. Purchasing loose diamonds that are certified give you the peace of mind you deserve when spending a significant sum of money. Not only will you have every detail of your stone listed on this piece of paper, you will also have proof for your insurance company in case something terrible happens to the ring.
Certified Diamonds Arlington Heights, Certified Loose Diamonds Addison

When it comes to buying certified loose diamonds, you must be able to trust your jeweler. After all, you have no idea if it is actually a real diamond because you are probably not a professional gemologist. This piece of paper is a great way for you to know exactly what you are getting beyond a shadow of a doubt. When you can be confident with your purchase, it makes for a much more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Whether you are buying your diamonds for an upcoming custom design project or you are simply browsing, make sure you always receive a certification with your stone. You will certainly be thankful for these simple words of wisdom later down the road.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Shopping For Diamond Wedding Rings with Your Love

It is always a good idea to have a stain pen in hand during the wedding reception. You may want to nip any accidents in the bud by only serving light colored food and drink, but just in case Aunt Becky has a few too many and attacks you with a hug while holding her bourbon and diet, keep this stain pen handy to deal with the problem immediately.

Diamond Wedding Rings Naperville, Anniversary Rings Palatine IL

Immediately following your exchanging of your diamond wedding rings, you will certainly be anxious to get to the party.  First things first, you must sign the proper documentation before doing anything! Make sure you have your marriage license ready with a pen and witnesses before you run off to grab a much needed glass of wine.

What's that you say? Your caterer is late and your bartender is drunk? No sweat! Make sure one of your trusted friends is willing to sub for the bartender until the company finds a replacement. As for the food, try and take away from the fact it is not ready by having the DJ play some hip music or even run a slide show of pictures of you two. There is nothing too big that love cannot conquer. Above all, enjoy yourselves no matter what happens on this glorious and memorable day.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Diamond Wedding Rings: Advice on Your Wedding Day

Every little girl dreams about her wedding day from a very young age. Whether you want to be whisked away to a tropical island or have a traditional church wedding, there is no doubt this is your time to shine! Help her look and feel her best before the big day arrives and you exchange your diamond wedding rings with just a few helpful words of wisdom:
Wedding Bands Hoffman Estates, Anniversary Rings Palatine IL

Your wedding day is going to be hectic. Make sure you schedule some time to eat! Many brides often skip this part of the day and end up feeling very drained emotionally from the wedding planning and physically, from a lack of nutrients. In order to look and feel your best, eat something!

There is always the question of who is going to keep the diamond wedding rings safe leading up to the moment you exchange them. Make sure you choose a responsible member of your wedding party, because this is kind of the entire reason you are planning this event! Your wedding rings are the material display of your love and devotion to one another.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Sell Your Old Jewelry and Receive Cash for Gold!

If you are considering utilizing the cash for gold services at your local jewelry store or any other company, make sure you take a little time to do some research on the entire process. There are many legitimate businesses that will allow you to sell your gold, but just like any other subject, there are stores who are not so honest. Go with your gut when making this decision. If something seems fishy, it probably is!
Gold Buying Arlington Heights, Sell your Gold Addison
There are many stores online who want you to mail in your gold jewelry and they will send you a check. This seems a little shady to me. What if the package is lost? These stores claim to provide you with insurance up to “X” amount of dollars on their packages, but what if the value of your gold is worth more than the insurance? You will simply be up the creek without a paddle. What if they received your package, but knew the gold was worth more so they just claimed to have lost it? It is always best to use a company who has a business front who can be contacted in case you have any questions pertaining to your sale or purchase.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Engagement Rings Styles Can Reflect Personality and Style

The kind of engagement ring you wear around your finger to show the world you will eventually become married is definitely representative of your taste and style. With the changing of the world, women are evolving into independent and confident creatures who know exactly what they want. This has also led to an increase in women giving their input on what her ring should look like.

Engagement Rings Elgin IL, Diamond Rings Palatine IL

In past times, a man would choose from a variety of engagement rings and completely surprise his girlfriend. This is a great idea, but could also pose a little trouble for many reasons. Hopefully, the man has good taste, but it could be very different from what the woman will want to look at for the rest of her life.

A woman who desires a classic or traditional diamond engagement ring will probably be a lady who is elegant and simple. Since these rings are often very basic with clean lines, she will more than likely prefer structure to chaos and organization to messiness. These kind of rings are timeless classics and what the majority of women prefer today. Sometimes less is more and she will know that when she sees the beautiful ring as you ask her to marry you.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Get Ready to Buy Diamond Engagement Rings

These stones are simply crystallized carbon atoms that are bonded together in a very durable and strong lattice structure. This is why they are so hard. They are actually the hardest natural structure on the earth. They come from over one hundred miles within the earth's mantle and under our feet. Extreme heat and pressure from these gorgeous stones, but it takes millions of years for them to completely form.
Engagement Rings Addison IL, Anniversary Rings Hoffman Estates
In order to understand why these stones are so valuable you must first understand the ways in which jeweler's grade them. Beginning with the four C's of diamonds is a good idea. This will cover the basic ways gemologist’s judge diamonds and how they decide which ones are valuable and suitable to use in the jewelry industry. Well before you even enter a jewelry store to look at diamond engagement rings, you will want to do a little homework on what these little stones are, where they came from and why they are so incredibly valuable.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Certified Loose Diamonds Are More Mysterious Than You May Think

Certified loose diamonds come a long way before they are available in your local jewelry store for purchase. Not only do they come from deep within the earth and take billions of years to form, but they are also rigorously judged and graded before being allowed to been display for your viewing pleasure. You may be familiar with the four C's of diamonds, but that is just where the judgment begins. The color, cut, clarity and carat weight of a diamond all come into factor when the value of the loose diamond is determined, but these loose diamonds also have many other tests they must pass.
Loose Diamonds Arlington Heights, Certified Diamonds Addison IL
Since conflict diamonds are so prevalent in certain parts of the world, there have been many laws set forth in order to make sure these diamonds are never put into circulation. When these loose diamonds are exported and imported into various countries, the money earned from their sale is used to fund rebel forces that are usually geared toward over throwing local governments. There has been much blood shed over these diamonds in that most are mined in third world countries who do not have the resources and privileges we enjoy in the United States.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Preparing to Purchase Diamond Engagement Rings

When you are dating someone seriously, you will eventually come to the point when you will discuss your future plans as a couple. If you decide you cannot spend the rest of your life together as husband as wife for whatever reason, then you should probably part ways sooner rather than later. There is no need to waste everyone's time pursuing a relationship that is not going anywhere.

Wedding Rings Hoffman Estates, Engagement Rings Naperville IL

On the other hand, hopefully you are crazy in love with your girlfriend and you cannot imagine your life without her. This is when you should begin thinking about shopping for diamond engagement rings, but even before then you will want to have a serious discussion with her and make sure you are on the same page when it comes to your future. If you have never been married before, this is going to be quite an adjustment to make. Not only will you be legally bound with another person, but you will also be combining finances and living quarters. You should probably have a well thought out game plan well before you ask her to marry you.

When you are out shopping for engagement rings, do not make the mistake of thinking you will find a ring the very first store you visit on the very first day you begin your shopping. This is a process that takes time and also involves a lot of research.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Loose Diamonds: Interesting Facts About These Gorgeous Stones

Loose diamonds are commonly used to create some of the most beautiful jewelry you have ever seen. Although this is the mainstream way of utilizing diamonds for our benefit, there are many other ways to use these naturally tough stones. Loose diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance in the world. When you take the time to learn about how they come to be, you will understand why they are so expensive and just how unique they are.
Certified Loose Diamonds Naperville, Certified Diamonds Palatine IL

Almost one hundred miles beneath our feet, carbon atoms begin their transformation into these gorgeous stones. When carbon is exposed to extreme heat and pressure, they crystallize and turn into these beautiful gemstones the entire world covets. Volcanic eruptions bring them closer to the surface of the earth so diamond miners can more easily drill for them.

Since diamonds are so incredibly tough, they can be used in a variety of other ways. Sometimes they are incorporated into drills or grinders for strength. When diamonds are used as abrasives, it makes it easier to polish, cut or grind whatever you desire. Loose diamonds are often used in dentistry to grind teeth because they will not break or lose their integrity.

Diamonds can also be found in speaker domes. Since they are so durable, they will vibrate rapidly but not lose their integrity. This makes them perfect for resonating sound.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Loose Diamonds: Who Would Have Thought?

Loose diamonds are not only very pretty to look at, but they also are pretty interesting stones too. Although jewelry is the most common use for diamonds, they come in handy much more than you would ever think. The certified loose diamonds your jeweler sells are the best quality stones available in the market. The less expensive stones may not be of the quality jewelers prefer, so they can be used in anything from dentistry to engraving.

Loose Diamonds Addison IL, Certified Loose Diamonds Elgin

Diamonds are the toughest naturally made stones in the world. Since they are so harem they can be used in drilling, grinding or anything involving friction. They are almost impervious to cracking or chipping, which make them useful in so many ways. Dentists use these stones to work on teeth because they are hard enough to affect the tooth without being broken themselves. Diamonds are also great conductors of heat and electricity. It is the molecular structure of diamonds that make them so strong. Diamonds, along with many other materials are made of carbon and they are linked together in a lattice structure. Graphite is similar, but is linked together in a ring structure, so they are nowhere near as strong. It all boils down to science.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Engagement Rings 101: Learn the Basics First

Before you impulsively purchase a diamond engagement ring for your significant other, make sure you fully understand what you are getting yourself into. There are so many styles to choose from, you could be a little overwhelmed if you are not fully prepared. Think of this experience as a test. You will have to study and do a little research before walking into your local jeweler.

Anniversary Rings Arlington Heights, Wedding Rings Hoffman Estates

If engagement rings are like studying a foreign language for you, there are plenty of websites that can show you the basics well before you enter an actual store. From vintage styles to classic rings, you will learn all about these tiny rings and the verbiage jewelry store employees will use during your experience.

First things first. Learn the four C's of diamonds. This will give you a great idea as to what you can afford and what you would willing to sacrifice to get that perfect ring. Next, learn everything you can about platinum, gold, silver and palladium in that these are the most common settings for rings. Carefully consider your budget. No one wants to be in financial turmoil right before their wedding. Once you have the basics down, you will be well on your way to finding the perfect ring.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Engagement Rings Come in All Kinds of Styles

Every little girl dreams of her wedding. From the time she is old enough to think for herself, she is planning the event in her head and always keeping an eye out for lovely engagement rings she can see herself wearing. This creates a fairy tale concept in her mind that just may come true after many years of dating and searching for the right suitor.

Engagement Rings Addison IL, Diamond Rings Palatine IL

She may not know what jewelers call the kind of diamond engagement rings she finds attractive, but she will certainly know it when she sees it. Since there are so many designs available, it would be wise to do lots of research before deciding on one. If you are unable to decide, you may choose to custom design your very own ring. This is a fun and exciting way to make sure you get exactly what you want when it comes to that special ring you will wear for the rest of your life.

It never hurts to discuss your ideal ring with your potential husband. It will not take anything away from the surprise and will certainly allow you to rest easy knowing he will choose and purchase a ring you will fall in love with.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Engagements Rings: Symbols of Your Undying Love

Choosing to purchase an engagement ring for the one you love is a lifelong commitment that will certainly impact every aspect of your life. Society encourages young people to get married around a certain age. It seems as though a group of complete strangers knows what is best for your future. This may not be the case, but look back at our parents and their parents. They followed a completely different set of rules when it came to life, and they seemed to turn out just fine.

Wedding Bands Naperville IL, Engagement Rings Barrington IL

Many decades ago, the wars and strife in our world changed how people viewed marriage. Many people did not have the luxury of staying close to home. Men were being drafted into the military and had no say in where they wanted to live. Their loved ones would have to wait at home, praying they returned from their tour of duty overseas. Although all generations have suffered through strife, our parents and their parents had it pretty bad. Could you imagine meeting the man or woman of your dreams, then having to say goodbye to them, not knowing if they would return or not? There were no computers to Skype and send emails. There were no cell phones to hear their voices when you were feeling lonely. All you had to remember them by was the wedding or engagement ring on your finger and your memories.